École des Bio-Industries

to study


The EBI is an engineering school in biology open to the international scene. It offers admissions to the first year of the engineering cycle for foreign students who have completed a university course in biology in their country of origin. After 3 years of study, the EBI delivers an internationally recognized engineering degree, Master grade. It is also possible to enrol in a specialised master’s programme, a one-year course, after obtaining a foreign degree in biology, pharmacy or chemistry.

International agreements

The EBI has signed numerous international agreements with partner universities. Students can then spend 1 or 2 semesters in our institution, with an à la carte educational program: choice of courses among those given in the 3 years of the engineering cycle.

If you are interested, you should contact your international department and check that an agreement has been signed


Testimony of Maria, trainee in the microbiology laboratory

My experience started at the beginning of February 2021, I arrived in France and the same day I had a meeting with my tutors from the EBI, who received me with pleasure and very kindly. I felt very welcome from the start. The first day I was a little worried because everything was new to me. But when I arrived, I was really surprised: everyone already knew me! Everyone was happy to see me! So I quickly relaxed.

First I met Mrs. Gibbs, who was very happy to receive me and offered her help right away. Then I met Mr. Azouani, who showed me the whole centre and introduced me to all the teachers and also to the trainees, those who are today my friends and buddies at the EBI.

I started in the lab with a teacher, Anne Roynette: I learn a lot from her in the lab and she is really easy to work with.

I can only say good things about my internship here at EBI, I almost don’t want to go back to Spain!