École des Bio-Industries


Partner schools and universities

The international dimension is an asset in the engineering profession. As a leading biology engineering school recognized in France and abroad, EBI benefits from a large network of partner schools and universities. In addition to a unique human experience, the international experience allows a mastery of the foreign language and an understanding of global issues.

Discover the world

One or two semesters of study at a partner university are possible in the 3rd or 5th year of the EBI’s Ingénieur Grande École program. However, they are not mandatory. In addition to the international agreements, our students can go on a free-move to another university in the world, after validation by the head of studies.

Partner universities

University of Sherbrooke - Canada

USTHB - Algeria

University of Osnäbruck - Germany

B-TU - Germany

University of Kent - England

Cranfield University - England

University of Greenwich - England

University of Sydney - Australia

University of Sao Paulo - Brazil

UNESP - Brazil

University of Ouro Preto - Brazil

University of Food Technology, Plovdiv - Bulgaria

Laurentian University - Canada

Shanghai Institute of Technology - China

Jiangnan University - China

Yeungnam University - South Korea

University College Absalon - Denmark

University of Seville - Spain

University of Barcelona - Spain

University of La Coruña - Spain

University of Valencia - Spain

University of Laurea - Finland

University of Chitkara - India

University of Milan - Italy

Osaka University - Japan

Fukuoka University - Japan

Saga University - Japan

Saint Joseph University - Lebanon

Vilnius University - Lithuania

University of Guadalajara - Mexico

University of Groningen - The Netherlands

University of Radboud - The Netherlands

University of Zielona Gora - Poland

University of Lisbon - Portugal

University of Ostrava - Czech Republic

University of Brno - Czech Republic

University of Petru Maior - Romania

University of Belgrade - Serbia

Ming Chi University - Taiwan

Mahidol University - Thailand

Mae Fah Luang University - Thailand

INSAT - Tunisia

University of Nigde - Turkey

University of An Giang - Vietnam