École des Bio-Industries

to study

Diagnostics and bioinformatics

The course allows the implementation and development of diagnostic techniques and the application of bioinformatics tools. The diagnostics and bioinformatics technician works alongside researchers and engineers in research and development (R&D) or the design office. The diagnostic and bioinformatics aspects are directly related to EBI’s expertise in the field of bioindustries and the development of research projects in production, development, research and entrepreneurship

The program

The 3-year Bachelor Biotech Engineering course offers 4 semesters of courses spread over 14 weeks each. The students follow a solid theoretical training reinforced by a practical application with 40% of the teaching in the form of practical work or project. A 4-month internship during the second year and a 6-month internship (6th semester) will complete the curriculum.

Semesters 1 and 2

They cover the basic fundamentals that are essential in terms of pre-requisites for access to the Methods and Prevention course

Fundamental courses

  • Biology
  • Chemistry and biochemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Physical
  • Computer science
  • Company knowledge
  • Languages ​​and international

Semesters 3, 4 and 5

Semesters 3, 4 and 5 are devoted to the acquisition of professional skills and behaviour, for a total of 90 ECTS

Specific lessons

  • Analytical methods and techniques: Chemical/biological analytical methods and techniques and sample preparation.
  • Molecular Diagnostics tools applied to bioindustry sectors and their development.
  • Bioinformatics processing: Analysis and interpretation of results, database interrogation and management of data analysis tools
  • 16 week internship

Annual calendar

from September to August
Common core
from September to August
1st and 2nd year
from September to January
from February to July
Internship at the end of my school program
3rd year



Staying abroad

During the summer following the first year, the students will go abroad for 4 weeks. This is an important issue in order to participate in the internationalization of companies and therefore of professions. This stay is validated by the writing of a report and a presentation in English.


Tutoring meetings

The teacher in charge of the course provides tutoring for the students. Internships, professional projects, work methods, school level... are the themes of the meetings. This solid support is requested by our students at any time of the year.


Diagnostic and Bioinformatics Technician

It verifies the clinical effectiveness of drugs and cosmetics:
- It guarantees the safety for the consumers
- It analyzes bioinformatics data
- It proves the conformity and the biological, chemical or physical quality of raw materials and finished products
- He contributes to engineers and researchers in R&D projects


Degree obtained

The Biotech Engineering Bachelor degree gives rise to the Bachelor Degree