École des Bio-Industries


Studies adjustement

The EBI authorizes academic accommodations for students with disabilities, high-performance athletes and artists, student entrepreneurs and engaged students. Study accommodations can be arranged individually and with proof.

Study in the best conditions

There are a multitude of possible study arrangements. Each arrangement is decided on a case-by-case basis and is renewed every year.

ebi et l'handicap

If you have a disability, even a temporary one, or are suffering from an illness, chronic or otherwise, you can ask to benefit from special arrangements. Thanks to our partner Mérieux NutriSciences.
For all requests, the Disability Advisor will be your main contact.

ebi et sportifs
High level athletes
High level athletes

If you are recognized as such by the national federation of the discipline you practice and are registered on the high level list of the Ministry of Sports, you can claim more flexible arrangements and proof of absence for competition.

ebi et artistes
High level artists
High level artists

If you are enrolled in a conservatory or art school and you can prove that you are involved in events at the highest level (national or even international), you may be eligible for more flexible arrangements and proof of absence for performances.

ebi etudiant entrepreneur

If you have student-entrepreneur status, you can benefit from study accommodations to help you combine your studies with your entrepreneurial project.

ebi étudiants engagés
Committed students
Committed students

If you are a volunteer firefighter, a civic service member or a member of the armed forces' operational reserve, you can benefit from study accommodations.