École des Bio-Industries


International admissions

Applications for our Engineering, Bachelor’s and Mastères Spécialisés® degrees are made directly via our MyEBI platform: application and interview. A B2 level of French is required.

An academic exchange of 1 or 2 semesters is possible for students from international partner universities. You should submit an application to your university’s international department.

The Campus France procedure

Campus France’s core business is to help young students who want to study in France. It manages a platform where international students can apply to join EBI, a leading biology school, in its Engineering or Specialized Masters® programs. The admissions department then sends the file to the appropriate profiles. When applying for a visa,

Campus France

assists the international student with the application process.

eg@ Competition

The eg@ Competition is aimed at African students who have completed their second year of post-baccalaureate studies (BCPST2, DUT, BTS, L2…) in Biology. They take the tests of the eg@ competition and are ranked. Each year, EBI admits 10 students.


The n+i network helps international students to apply to EBI in the 2nd year of the engineering cycle. The two years validated within the EBI will allow the students to be graduated as Engineers of the EBI, Master grade