École des Bio-Industries



To enter the EBI, a leading biology school, admissions procedures vary according to your level of study and the program you are interested in.

Terms and conditions of admission

The application procedure to join the EBI is specific to each of its specialized biology programs.

Choosing your specialty courses
Choosing your specialty courses

Find out which specialty courses are eligible to become EBIsts

Concours Puissance Alpha post bac 2 sciences
Post-bac admissions
Post-bac admissions

If you are currently in Terminale Générale or Technologique, the EBI offers several admission options depending on your profile. Your entire registration is done via the Parcoursup platform.

admissions rebond 1er année
Post-bac reorientation
Post-bac reorientation

You have obtained your Baccalaureate in 2022 and you wish to reorient yourself? The EBI offers you the possibility of a rapid reorientation for a return to school in February or September 2023.

Parallel Admissions
Parallel Admissions

You have a validated Bac+1 or more in Biology? You are in DUT, BUT, BCPST, TB, PASS, LAS, BTS, Licence?
You can enter the Engineer Grande École program or the Bachelor Biotech Engineering program through Parallel Admissions.

Admissions MRSE QHSE
Master's admissions
Master's admissions

You are currently in Master 2 or already have a Bac+5, the EBI offers several ways of admission according to your profile for these masters.

Admissions for internationals
Admissions for internationals

Several procedures and accesses exist to integrate the school of Industrial Biology from abroad and according to your profile.

Admissions Badge
Admissions Badge

Specific procedure for Badge admissions in collaboration with Mérieux Nutrisciences.

ebi et l'handicap
Rates and Financing
Rates and Financing

EBI is a non-profit association (Law 1901), a private technical college that partially self-finances the overall cost of schooling to reduce the amount of fees paid by the student.