At EBI, each year 6 to 10% of our graduates continue their studies beyond their engineering cycle in biology. In one to three years, our engineers can specialize in many fields and acquire a last significant experience thanks to the internship period proposed.
The M2 research masters awarded by the faculties are also accessible either when enrolling in the5th year of the EBI, or after graduating from the biology engineering cycle. They are followed by 3 years of thesis, leading to a doctorate and the title of Doctor of Science. 7% of the alumni are engineer-doctors. They work in public and private biotechnology research around the world.
Examples of M2
After their engineering degree in biology, our students choose to acquire a double competence by following Masters in prestigious business schools: ESSEC, HEC, ESCP, EM Lyon...
Agreements with other engineering schools allow our 5th year students to follow masters from UTC, AgroParisTech, CNAM, MINES ParisTech...
Thanks to the dual training provided by CEIPI, our alumni protect and promote the industrial property of companies and research laboratories.