École des Bio-Industries


Student Life

Studying at a leading biology school like EBI means taking advantage of a rich and dynamic student life, both on and off campus.

A lively campus in the heart of a student city

Student life at EBI takes place both on and off campus.

Ebi large photo
Studying at EBI
Studying at EBI

Studying at a biology engineering school like EBI means following a subtle path with a personal, intercultural and emotional dimension.

The associative life of the EBI
The associative life of the EBI

At the heart of our biology engineering school, community life is in full swing: 18 associations offer as many opportunities to share your talents or discover new ones, and grow with new responsibilities.

Finding your home
Finding your home

EBI offers its students two ways of finding accommodation: the online STUDAPART platform & private student residences...

Cergy, a student town
Cergy, a student town

Located at the gateway to the Vexin Regional Nature Park, 25 km from Paris, Cergy is home to 11,000 companies and 14 higher education establishments, including the EBI.